Current in-house programs Download brochure (PDF)

  • All levels  |  1.5 hours

    Conscious Leadership for Lawyers

    This interactive workshop introduces participants to the concepts of Conscious Leadership, exploring effective communication, agile and responsive decision-making, emotional intelligence and cultivating awareness of self and others.

  • All levels  |  1 hour

    Ethics in Practice

    Explore structured real-life ethical scenarios with an experienced solicitor-facilitator, who will assist participants to identify the key ethical issues and how to resolve them. Scenarios are customised to your needs.

  • All levels  |  1.5 hours

    Sexual Harassment and Bullying: Changing workplace culture

    This workshop challenges what each of us can do to reduce the harm to individuals, organisations and the profession as a result of sexual harassment. It explores the subculture of non-reporting, passive bystander behaviour and the management of complaints.

  • All levels  |  1 or 1.5 hours

    The Mindful Lawyer

    Discover the tools that will help you thrive in a distraction-driven world and elevate your professional capabilities. Learn the latest mindfulness research and acquire practical strategies to improve attentiveness, productivity and time-management.

  • All levels  |  1.5 hours

    Empowered Client Interactions

    Learning how to manage challenging client interactions requires an understanding that our own biases, reactions and stress responses can play a role in our experience. This seminar offer strategies to enhance the client experience while navigating these challenges.

History of excellence

Generations of knowledge and an established track record of developing high-end CPD programs with proven success.

Renowned industry experts

Access to expert speakers from the LIV and legal profession, as well as universities and other professions.

Tailored, scalable training

Scalable solutions for in-house training to suit the particular needs and size of your organisation or team.