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I have been involved with the LIV since 2021, and it has provided me with the community I have missed while working remotely full-time. I really enjoy being involved with the Young Lawyers section, especially this year as the Professional Development Committee Chair. I'd encourage all Victorian-based lawyers, especially those early in their career, to take advantage of the services offered by the LIV and get involved.
— Amanda Guruge —
Tax Controversy Partners; LIV 2024 Young Lawyers Professional Development Committee Chair; LIV 2024 Young Lawyers Executive Committee Member
From working at the LIV as a paralegal while I studied law, to doing my Practical Legal Training through ACAP & LIV’s new partnership, to getting a job at a law firm through my PLT placement, to now being a member of LIV and participating in events and CPDs, the LIV has always been a pivotal part of my law career.
— Emma Lappin —
Solicitor, Orenstein Lawyers; 2024 LIV Young Lawyers Professional Development Committee Member
I joined the LIV Young Lawyers Section in 2020 as a Graduate Lawyer, and now in 2023 as an admitted practitioner, the value of my LIV membership has only increased over time. Whether it be through the vast array of networking or CPD events, the ability to participate and have a voice in submissions on law reform, or regular updates through LawNews on legislative issues, my membership has allowed me to engage with the industry on a deeper level and provided me with opportunities I would otherwise not have had access to.
— Grace Oakley —
People + Capability Business Partner, Oxfam Australia; LIV Young Lawyers President
I first joined the LIV as a member in my graduate year in 2018 and got involved in the Young Lawyers Section in 2020. In 2021, I became the Co-chair of the Law Reform Committee and was able to draft and manage law reform submissions and working groups with a particular focus on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace, diversity and human rights. Being able to contribute to policy on serious issues affecting our profession and the community at large is what I’ve enjoyed the most about getting involved in the LIV. I highly recommend others to do the same.
— Alexandra Gonos —
Workplace Relations Consultant & Lawyer, Deakin University; LIV Young Lawyers Immediate Past President